More than half of American renters who want to buy a home fear they’ll never afford one | CNN Business (2024)

More than half of American renters who want to buy a home fear they’ll never afford one | CNN Business (1)

Even some working parents in high-paying jobs say they are struggling to keep up with the spike in home prices.

New York CNN

The dream of homeownership feels out of reach for many American families.

The vast majority (86%) of current renters in the United States say they would like to buy a home — but can’t afford one, according to a CNN poll conducted by SSRS released Monday.

Among those same renters who can’t afford to buy a home right now, 54% think it’s unlikely they’ll ever be able to, the poll found.

The findings underscore the damage done by the one-two punch ofsurging home pricesand elevated mortgage rates, creating an affordability crisis. And given that homeownership is the ticket to wealth generation in America, that pessimism exacerbates the risk that the divide between the haves and have-nots will only grow.

Younger people especially are having trouble buying a home right now. The CNN poll found that 90% of renters younger than 45 say they’d like to buy but can’t afford it, compared with 79% of those age 45 and above.

Not surprisingly, younger Americans are more hopeful that situation will change.

Most adults (53%) younger than 45 who want to buy but can’t afford it believe it’s at least somewhat likely they’ll eventually be able to buy a home. That’s compared with just 32% of those 45 and older.

‘Homeownership seems impossible’

Even some working parents in high-paying jobs are struggling to keep up with the spike in home prices.

BrentBjornsen, a 39-year-old pediatrician and father of two in Phoenix is renting a home as he digs out from student debt.

“Buying a home is absolutely something we would love to do,” Bjornsen told CNN. “It seems out of reach.”

Bjornsen said his wife works part-time at an elementary school. The couple was dealt a financial setback when Hurricane Harvey flooded their Houston apartment.

“We’re straddled with seemingly insurmountable debt,” he said. “Homeownership seems impossible…and that hurts for two kids of Baby Boomers and feels like a disappointment.”

Two-thirds of Americans currently renting (68%) say their family owned a home when they were growing up, according to the CNN poll.

High rates. Even higher prices

The good news is that mortgage rates — one of the main obstacles to homeownership —have eased a recent months. And if the Federal Reserve is able todeliver interest rate cutsthis fall and winter, rates could fall further.

However, home prices continue to rise. A price spike that began during the pandemic has pushed home ownership out of reach for many.

The median existing-home priceclimbed to a record of $426,900 in June, according to the National Association of Realtors. That was 4.1% higher than a year earlier and the second straight month of record home prices on data going back to 1999.

Among renters who want to buy but can’t afford it, 40% say the biggest barrier is saving for a down payment, according to the CNN poll.

Nearly a third (31%) say the biggest obstacle to buying a home is high interest rates. Just 17% say the inability to qualify for a mortgage is the biggest hurdle.

‘We have given up’

Jeremy Andersson, a digital marketing specialist living north of Atlanta, is among those Millennials who have lost hope.

“We have given up on homeownership,” Andersson told CNN.

The 40-year-old father of twin toddlers wanted to buy a home when his wife became pregnant in 2019.

“We felt the societal pressure to buy a house because that’s the American Dream, right? Have a family and buy a house,” he said.

Seventy percent of Americans call owning a home essential to achieving the American dream, the CNN poll found. That includes about two-thirds (65%) of those currently renting.

But like other families, Andersson and his wife were dismayed by what they could afford.

“I’m not going to pay $350,000 for a run-down house. It almost seems laughable. We can’t find anything affordable for a family of four,” he said. “I’m not going to play your game anymore. I’m done.”

In some markets, starter homes are fetching nearly three times that price.

$1 million starter homes

According to Zillow, the typicalstarter home is now worth $1 million or more in 237 cities. That’s up from just 84 cities in 2019 before Covid.

Perhaps that’s why many homeowners don’t think they’ll be able to buy in this market.

The CNN poll found that just about one-third (32%) of current homeowners think they could afford to buy a similar home in their neighborhood today.

Even among households earning $100,000 a year or more, most doubt they’d be able to afford to buy something similar today.

“We did everything we were supposed to do. We went to college. We did well. We got jobs. We’re not felons,” Andersson said. “I’ve worked my tail off and so has my wife.”

This situation has taken an emotional toll on Andersson.

“At first, I wondered if I was a failure as a father or husband because I can’t get my kids a lawn to play on,” he said. “It’s taken a lot of soul-searching to understand this is not my fault. It’s the fault of a poorly planned system.”

The CNN poll was conducted by SSRS from June 3-24, before President Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential race on July 21, among a random national sample of 2,021 adults initially reached by mail, and 407 adults reached by random digit dialing to a sample of prepaid cellphone numbers. Surveys were either conducted online or by telephone with a live interviewer. Results for the full sample have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 2.7 percentage points; it is larger for subgroups.

More than half of American renters who want to buy a home fear they’ll never afford one | CNN Business (2024)


What percentage of Americans are homeowners vs renters? ›

Renters vs homeowners

There were over 102 million renters (31.7%) in the U.S. compared to 221 million homeowners (68.2%), according to the official 2021 figures. The number of renters in the country has fluctuated year-on-year for the past six years, with 33.5% of people renting in 2014.

Why would a person choose to buy a home rather than rent? ›

Buying a home can increase financial stability.

Homeownership can offer stability for you and your family. No longer having to worry about rent fluctuations or relocation expenses can be a big load off your shoulders. As your housing costs stabilize, you can begin saving more money for: Retirement.

Why owning a home is considered the American dream for so many people? ›

Buying a home is a powerful decision, and it remains at the heart of the American Dream. Unlike renting, owning a home means more than just having a place to live – it offers a sense of belonging, stability, and freedom.

What is one pro to renting as opposed to buying a home? ›

Whether you choose to rent or buy your home depends on your financial situation, lifestyle, and personal goals. Both provide you with a place to live and require regular income in order to make the payments. Renting offers flexibility, predictable monthly expenses, and someone to handle repairs.

What state has the highest percentage of renters? ›

California was the state with the highest share of renter households in the United States in 2022. About 30 percent of the households lived in rental accommodation in that year. Renting was even more common in the District of Colombia, where about 39 percent of households were renters.

Who owns most homes in the US? ›

  • White, non-Hispanic householders account for three-quarters of all owner-occupied housing units in the United States, but just over half of all renter-occupied units. ...
  • Renters skew to the lower ends of income and wealth distributions, according to data from the Federal Reserve's 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances.
Aug 2, 2021

Why purchase a home instead of renting? ›

Because your house is an asset, every payment you make toward principal is like sending money to yourself. Even if you haven't paid off the mortgage, you're building up equity. You also can borrow against that equity if you ever need to for an emergency or, for example, to pay for a once-in-a-lifetime trip.

What are the disadvantages of owning a home? ›

Pros and Cons of Owning a House
Can control monthly payments with a fixed mortgageMaintenance can be more expensive if homeowner is not handy with DIY chores
Can leverage ownership into increased borrowing powerCan be difficult and expensive to move if you don't like your neighbors
3 more rows
Mar 12, 2023

What are the disadvantages of buying a house rather than renting? ›

Drawbacks to buying
  • Maintenance is your responsibility.
  • Relocation is more difficult.
  • Mortgage payments may be higher than rent.
  • Home value may not increase, especially at first.

What percentage of Americans want to own a home? ›

The 2,047-person survey shows while 81 percent of U.S. adults would like to own a home in the future, 61 percent don't think they will ever be able to do it. A sizeable number of Americans — 42 percent — believe that no matter how hard they work they will never be able to afford a home they really love.

How many homes does the average American own in their life? ›

In fact, the average person will own at least three houses in their lifetime. Living in one place for most of your life may or may not be your goal, but if it is, there are things you must do as a homeowner to ensure your home lasts as long as you'd like it to.

What is the American Dream to most people? ›

The American Dream is the national ethos of the United States, that every person has the freedom and opportunity to succeed and attain a better life. The phrase was popularized by James Truslow Adams during the Great Depression in 1931, and has had different meanings over time.

Why might people choose to rent a home rather than buy a home? ›

Renters have lower utility bills, greater flexibility in where they live, and access to amenities, such as a pool or fitness room, that might otherwise be prohibitively expensive.

What are two situations where renting would make more sense than buying a home? ›

There are several reasons why renting might make more sense than buying a home, such as:
  • The move is temporary. ...
  • You don't have a down payment. ...
  • You don't want to handle repairs and maintenance.

How much is usually paid at the time of a home purchase? ›

Closing costs on a mortgage loan usually equal 3% – 6% of your loan balance. Appraisal fees, your attorney's fees and inspection fees are examples of common closing costs. The specific closing costs you'll pay depend on the type of loan you have, your home's value and your state's laws.

What percentage of US citizens are homeowners? ›

The overall American homeownership rate — the proportion of households living in homes they own — grew from a recent low of 63.4% in 2016 to 65.8% in 2022, according to data from the US Census Bureau. The homeownership rate grew more for people under 35 than any other age group, up from 34.5% to 39.0%.

What percentage of the US population owns rental property? ›

Data collected by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) showed that around 10.6 million Americans had declared rental income when filing taxes. In other words, around 7.1% of tax filers could be landlords.

What percent of Americans live in homes vs. apartments? ›

As of 2023, about 65% of Americans live in detached houses, while 35% live in apartments. Around 40% of individuals living in poverty in the U.S. reside in apartments.

Do most people own or rent in us? ›

The percentage of households lived in by the actual owner fluctuates, but it's usually around two-thirds of the households. So the answer to your question is that roughly 85 million individuals own their own dwelling in the United States.

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