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30th January 2024, 19:00
I've been using EVR-CP for years since that is all I needed and it worked fine, but I finally have the right equipment for HDR (HDR OLED TV and a 4070 TI Super) so it is time for some changes. I see that MadVR is still considered the gold standard, but since future support is uncertain and MPC-HC now has it's own HDR renderer I would like to just jump into MPC Renderer and "grow" with that.
I'm using the clsid version, and know how to get to the settings, but have no idea what I am looking at. Googling terms like Lanczos and Catmull-Rom produce lots of results, but I'm looking for info specifically on how these are used in MPC-HC (with MPC Video Renderer), guides, explanations, tweaking info - things like that.
Any good links that explain all these options, what they do, how to best set them up for my usage, etc.? Any info would be appreciated!
30th January 2024, 21:37
these are just the name of simple image scaler.
jinc real name is ewa lanczos which is even slower and fancier version of lanczos.
cartmull-rom and nitchall... are nick names for versions of bicubic. mpcVR bicubic sharp is also know as bicubic 150 because it uses a value of -1.50. here this explains "bicubic" well kind of:
lanczos can look at more pixel the number at the end usually means that but there are different ways to count that so lanczos 2 may mean 2 totally different things.
the option selected in chroma will be used to scale the chroma the option upscaling will be used for the image so after chroma is correct that all.
30th January 2024, 23:20
By default it uses the DXVA2/D3D11 video processor for resizing. So those Shaders are not used unless you uncheck that option. In general, don't touch/change things that you do not understand.
If you wish to use Shaders, then bottom most choice in the dropdowns is generally best for quality and slowest in performance.
11th February 2024, 15:00
When the internal subtitle renderer is chosen, what does "use libass for srt" do?
11th February 2024, 16:08
it will use libass instead of vsfilter
11th February 2024, 16:16
it will use libass instead of vsfilter
Any major differences?
11th February 2024, 16:53
no it's about srt subtitles.
for ass it can be a major difference.
11th February 2024, 17:26
no it's about srt subtitles.
for ass it can be a major difference.
Thanks huhn, unfortunally I can't move the subtitles lower when using libass for srt.
11th February 2024, 18:35
Do NOT use libass for SRT.
It has no benefit unless you need it for some weird font related feature, which you don't.
You will also loose SubResync functionality.
Ctrl+Shift+Minus = move sub down
12th February 2024, 09:56
Do NOT use libass for SRT.
It has no benefit unless you need it for some weird font related feature, which you don't.
You will also loose SubResync functionality.
Ctrl+Shift+Minus = move sub down
Thank you, for the info.
16th February 2024, 18:17
2.1.5 has been released
22nd February 2024, 01:11
MPC-HC plays this DVD ( incorrectly. To see how it should be played, use MPC-BE.
22nd February 2024, 01:31
I confirm - it does not highlight items in the menu with native hardware acceleration (DXVA2/D3D11).
22nd February 2024, 01:37
It's not the biggest trouble here. MPC-HC seems to ignore DVD structure commands at all playing this disc.
22nd February 2024, 04:10
Menu clicks work fine here.
Highlights work fine as well with MPCVR and EVR-CP. EVR-Sync has issues, but that renderer is not being developed anymore.
Using hardware decoding for DVD is bad idea. I do not provide support for that.
22nd February 2024, 06:23
Menu clicks work fine here.
Highlights work fine as well with MPCVR and EVR-CP. EVR-Sync has issues, but that renderer is not being developed anymore.
Using hardware decoding for DVD is bad idea. I do not provide support for that.
Well then you need to disable hardware acceleration in LAV for DVD.
22nd February 2024, 10:22
clsid, I meant the different issue. I do not have hardware decoding enabled for DVD.
Try playing the disc with [x] Remember DVD position.
22nd February 2024, 10:29
Aleksoid1978, MPC-BE plays this DVD with [x] Remember DVD position incorrectly, too.
22nd February 2024, 10:34
For me all is good with Remember DVD position - select film, after sometime playback close. Reopen - and playback start from last position.
22nd February 2024, 10:48
Close the player after checking [x] Remember DVD position, open it again and start playing the DVD. For me it starts showing the clip with papers - which it should not.
22nd February 2024, 18:02
Should be fixed now.
23rd February 2024, 14:28
In some of my movies the sound of music, sounds, noises is extremely
loud compared to the talking.
I expected to adjust this by the downmix settings
(Options / Internal Filters / Audio decoder / Mixing / Mixer)
But shifting the sliders (Center or Surround from 0.71 default)
doesn't change anything.
I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong, but have no idea what.
Any help appreciated.
23rd February 2024, 18:25
But shifting the sliders (Center or Surround from 0.71 default) doesn't change anything.
Modify at your taste until Center Mix Level 1.0, Surround/LFE to 0.0
23rd February 2024, 18:40
And of course in the drop-down make sure "stereo" (or whatever speaker setup you're using is selected). Speaker layout also needs to be set in the Windows sound control panel so it matches.
23rd February 2024, 19:01
As I wrote in my first post: There is literally no difference, no matter what level I push the sliders to (Eg. Surround/ LFE = 0; no difference if Center = 0 or 1.0).
The sliders simple don't have any effect with me. There must be some other adjustment...?
23rd February 2024, 19:09
To figure this out better, you need more data points..
By any chance are you getting the audio by using an audio output from a monitor connected via hdmi? On mine this would be a disaster, it would be too quiet. Have it output directly from your PC instead so it doesn't go through the monitor.
Compare sound using Windows Film & TV player.. not for sliders (which it doesn't have), but just to get a frame of reference of how it sounds in general compared to the players you're working with.
23rd February 2024, 21:45
are you bit streaming?
24th February 2024, 10:51
If you send the audio without decode to PCM Bitstreaming (SPDIF,HDMI) it to your audio player any Mix option is ignored.
The decode, mix, volume, etc. is controlled by your audio player.
Deselect the Bitstreaming options:
24th February 2024, 14:44
Thank you for your hints.
Meanwhile I de-installed the older version of MPC-HC, installed v.2.1.5, reset all settings... and now the "background" sound is kind of acceptable.
The bitstream options are cleared, and the mixing too (???).
However I just tested to activate mixing and shifted Surround and LFE to zero. Effect: No effect.
This audio chain seems to be terribly complex...
24th February 2024, 15:29
Mixing settings only have effect when it is actually doing mixing (like 5.1 input to stereo output).
If your input file already is stereo, then try Volume Normalization:
MPC-HC Options > Internal Audio Switcher
This will reduce loudness difference. Soft sounds will become louder.
24th February 2024, 21:11
Mixing settings only have effect when it is actually doing mixing (like 5.1 input to stereo output).
If your input file already is stereo, then try Volume Normalization:
MPC-HC Options > Internal Audio Switcher
This will reduce loudness difference. Soft sounds will become louder.
Oh - I'm sorry; I just realize that I never mentioned the source is 5.1.
Moreover at the Audio renderer "SaneAR" is activated, and Option "Ignore system channel mixer..."
Don't know if that has any influence
28th February 2024, 19:43
2.1.6 has been released
29th February 2024, 00:26
2.1.6 has been released
Very good release, but it doesn't include LAVFilters-0.78.0-4?
29th February 2024, 01:32
That is a single commit with an irrelevant unimportant change...
29th February 2024, 08:55
That is a single commit with an irrelevant unimportant change...
Thank you for the info.
3rd March 2024, 15:12
Any suggestions how to self-analyze, just because I'm curious...
I have an MKV in which MPCHC doesn't show under Content Menu \ Audio Track one audio track (DTS) out of two, and effectively it can't be used. The track is listed fine under File \ Properties \ MediaInfo.
I tried remuxing it with MkvToolnix (old version), leaving only the affected audio track, along with the video. It behaved the same in the new file, like the track is not there, though shown under the MediaInfo tab.
Same on MPCHC v2.1.6 as well as v1.8.x.
Any of the following worked:
- Remuxing with Avidemux.
- Remuxing with MkvToolnix after Avidemux.
- With MkvToolnix tools, in two steps: extract the DTS track with mkvextract, then mux the video from the original file + the standalone audio (instead of directly muxing both from the source MKV).
Not sure if MkvToolnix is to blame or MPC-HC, but all the following didn't have a problem finding the track: MediaInfo (also inside MPCHC), Avidemux, MkvToolnix.
3rd March 2024, 23:09
Not sure if MkvToolnix is to blame or MPC-HC...
Also we don't know without a sample or at least the full MediaInfo of the mkv.
3rd March 2024, 23:41
It is simple, the hidden tracks are hidden because they are flagged as disabled.
With MkvToolNix header editor you can change the "enabled" flag to true.
MediaInfo does not support the "enabled" flag yet.
4th March 2024, 00:15
Its surprising how many people manage to have disabled tracks in their MKV files - which is really the only reason a track would not show up at all, and many other players ignore the flag, despite the specification being clear about what it means.
4th March 2024, 02:01
can someone tell me what is the point of a disabled track why does teh feature exist?
ordered chapter or something?
4th March 2024, 02:06
It is simple, the hidden tracks are hidden because they are flagged as disabled.
That was it indeed.
Its surprising how many people manage to have disabled tracks in their MKV files
First encounter here. Combined with it being a strange notion, and no icony column in MkvToolnixGui (unlike "default" and "forced"), it's not an obvious or expected thing to find.
What's the intended use?
Also we don't know without a sample or at least the full MediaInfo of the mkv.
Was mainly looking for some ideas on what or how to check. Like the above. :)
4th March 2024, 11:22
At least with the last MkvToolNix version there are a property "track enabled" like you can see in the image.
That track is not show by MPC-HC, I confess I haven't seen it before, and MediaInfo, even in advanced mode, only show "default" or "forced".
5th March 2024, 22:52
there are a property "track enabled" like you can see in the image.
Thanks. Yeah, I know. I found it after clsid and nevcairiel mentioned the concept, hence my "that was it indeed".
I just noted the reasons why it's far less visible or findable than other track flags.
can someone tell me what is the point of a disabled track why does teh feature exist?
No idea, but the flag, or an equivalent, exists also in MP4.
8th March 2024, 21:21
New bug in 2.1.6 (works in 2.1.5)
Options, Playback, Output, Audio Renderer is reset to System Default next time the dialog is opened in 2.1.6, except for SaneAR and MPC AR.
Settings are in ini file if that makes a difference.
May be related to different names of the Audio Renderers, example:
2.1.5: ReClock Audio Renderer (02000000)
2.1.6: ReClock Audio Renderer
8th March 2024, 23:43
10th March 2024, 22:36
I think MPC could use a 'go back' feature for times when we accidentally hit Page Up or Page Down and the next or previous video loads. Whenever it happens, I lose my place in the video I was watching and it's really annoying. MPC could mark and remember the current video and time index before loading the next or previous video so we can go right back to where we were just by hitting Alt+Left Arrow (as in web browsers) or whatever hotkey. It probably wouldn't take much and would be a life-saver at times.
10th March 2024, 23:03
There is literally already such an option on the very first page in the options...
11th March 2024, 19:39
There is literally already such an option on the very first page in the options...
Thanks for the response. Ill have to explain the circumstances a little better. I record Chaturbate shows and make review videos, but I dont want my kids to see those files in MPCs history list. So, I have the history turned off on the first page of the options.
I accidentally end up hitting Page Up or Page Down in the middle of editing my review videos. I dont edit them, I skim through them in MPC and use OBS to record snippets that are worth highlighting. It might take me an hour to get halfway through a show then I hit Page Up or Page Down accidentally, the next cam show recording gets loaded, and I lose my place in the show I was editing.
It takes me forever to figure out where I was in the last recording, so I want to be able to set a hotkey to go back to the last video at the time index it was at before Page Up or Page Down got hit. I wouldnt want that list to be saved from one MPC session to the next. If I exit MPC, itd forget the last video and time index.
There are surely other applications for it, for anything private or what might be illegal in countries like China. Its fairly normal not to want to advertise a history list in a media player. Most people probably watch pr0n on websites and use incognito windows, so their browser doesnt remember the pr0n sites and videos that were watched.
But not everyone watches videos on websites. I cant stand online media viewers. Theyre all terrible compared to MPC.
13th March 2024, 01:23
Obscure little bug I've encountered:
If a DVD is looping at the root menu it's not a DVD feature to be able to pause it so that function is greyed out. However, from Windows 10's lock screen MPC is shown (with its exe name) and the pause button works there. This causes MPC to hang/crash when the user logs back in again although the menu does seem paused. As I say, not a common condition to encounter but I thought it was interesting all these things coming together in a situation that shouldn't be possible.
Anyway, this is my first post. Hello all.
16th March 2024, 21:04
There is literally already such an option on the very first page in the options...
Thanks for the response. I think I need to explain this differently because I don't want MPC keeping a history.
Why can't we have "Remember position of previously viewed files" without having to keep a public history of every file we view in MPC? I know you have to store the file path with the position so MPC will know which positions go with which files. But that's got nothing to do whether we want a history list to be displayed when File > Recent is selected.
Because I'm only concerned with accidentally hitting Page Up or Page Down, I also don't want MPC to remember filenames or positions on exit. Once I exit MPC, I want it to forget that it ever viewed any files. The history list is completely separate from what I've asked for and why I asked for it.
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